1% Listing agent Commission in San Diego

1% listing agent commission in San Diego

We are happy to announce our first 1% listing agent Commission in San Diego – 6761 Cielo Dr, San Diego, CA 92114

It’s a spacious and beautiful 3 bedroom, 2.5 baths house located in a quaint south eastern neighborhood of San Diego called Skyline. House is in a great condition! It has high vaulted ceilings, spacious living and dining room, plenty of parking and huge backyard! It is overlooking ocean so you have a natural cooling/heating throughout most of the year saving expenses of energy bill. Located 10-15 minutes drive to downtown San Diego and beaches, it makes a perfect family home!


The Real estate investor found our 1% listing agent commission in San Diego website thru google and was amazed that he could save $6300  on $420,000 asking price comparing to 5% standard commission.

Marketing of this property includes listing it in both San Diego MLS called SANDICOR and California Regional MLS – CRMLS for best exposure

Below, you can see Full Real Estate Market report for Skyline neighborhood of San Diego!

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