Get 100x more Exposure from MLS and Realtors
who will show your property to qualified buyers!

Introducing FSBO + SoCal MLS Full Service listing program

  • 1-6 month MLS Listing + Zillow FSBO

    With our Agency Listing agreement you are not shutting doors on Zillow or Craigslist buyers, you may advertise your property for sale any way you want, and if you find a buyer, you will not be responsible for any commission of fees!

  • Only 1% Listing Agent Fee! You Choose 2-2.5% to buyers agent in MLS. Total is 3.5% No Hidden Fees!

    We clearly cooperate with MLS buyers agent by providing them with 2-2.5% commission – ensuring that Buyers agents actively show your property and receive proper compensation!

  • Cancel Any Time before accepting an offer!

    If you find your own buyer, You may cancel listing agreement any time before accepting an offer and wont be responsible for any commission!

  • Nothing to Lose and Everything to Gain!

    With added exposure from MLS and your own advertising you only increasing chances of your property selling for top dollar! With no out of pocket expenses this is WIN-WIN deal!

 Why For Sale By Owner + MLS  is the best way to showcase and sell your property for a TOP price? – Because MLS will give it Exposure that Zillow cant!

Why your property will get more exposure from MLS?

Reason #1: 99% of Serious and financially pre-approved buyers work with the Realtors, and Realtors DO NOT CHECK Zillow FSBO section for properties to show to their clients.. Where do they look?

You guessed it right – in the MLS.

Why do they look in MLS only for properties to show? Because every MLS listed property clearly shows amount of compensation to buyers agent – they will not risk bringing their buyer to FSBO and potentially loose on their income because in their mind  FSBO seller is not paying commission!

Reason #2: Even if the buyer requests their Realtor to show them FSBO property, that Realtor would make EVERY POSSIBLE EXCUSE for NOT SHOWING FSBO property for the same reasons described above.

As soon as we list ANY FSBO property in the MLS we get 3-5 requests for showing within 3 hours after entering it into MLS.

Apply for Zillow+MLS trial listing

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MLS Exposure for Zillow FSBO